God of All, as we witness senseless acts of terror in the Manchester arena,
we join with people everywhere to pray for peace. We pray especially for the people of Manchester, for those who were killed and were injured in the violent act of terrorism in this concert venue.
We pray for the families who have lost loved ones, may they know your healing touch through the love and care of family and friends as they grieve their loss.
We pray, too, for the first responders, for police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel, for making the best decisions possible to bring about the greatest good in a time of crisis.
We pray for nurses and doctors who continue to care for the hurting. May they have wisdom and compassion in their journey with the wounded.
God of understanding, give your guidance to all who may be tempted to think that violence is a way to solve conflicts. Send your Spirit of unity to remind us we are all members of your human family called to live together in peace.
During this Easter season, help us to remember that love is stronger than death and that peace triumphs over violence. May the peace that your Son Jesus, gave ,live in our hearts and among all nations.
We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, the Risen One.