Celebrating 165 Years of History at SMCDSB

Celebrating 165 Years of History at SMCDSB
Posted on 10/31/2017

As we continue to celebrate this year’s school theme: Our Story ~ Our Journey, it was only fitting to take a walk down memory lane and commemorate the 165 years of history of the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board.

On Wednesday, October 25, 2017, more than 300 students, families, staff (both current and retired) and community partners gathered at Holy Spirit Parish in Barrie for the launch of a new book, A History of the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board and Its Predecessor Boards written by renowned historian and author Dr. Robert T. Dixon. This book examines the struggles and successes of our collective stories throughout our history, which began in 1852.

The evening began with mass, led by Father Michael Knox S.J., Director of the Martyrs’ Shrine, and included a procession of 51 school and board office flags. Each flag was created by artwork submitted by staff or students, which visually depicts the spirit and faith of their community. The ceremony also included the blessing and commissioning of past and present members of the SMCDSB community and the reveal of a video which highlights the legacy of Catholic education at our board.

The night ended with a fantastic reception which included a book signing by Robert T. Dixon, music by staff members Russ Clayton and Patrick Gowan, and the sharing of plenty of stories and memories.

We are so blessed to have been able to celebrate our history with those who have, and continue to shape Catholic education at our board. We would like to thank all of those who attended and made the evening so special.