St. Theresa's Grade 8 Day
Written by Elizabeth Adams, Student Journalist
What high school student wouldn’t like to go back to Grade 8 and not have to shoulder the stress of exams? Still, the excitement of graduating from elementary school and moving into a new chapter of life is all that occupies a Grade 8’s mind during the second half of the school year. September 2020 may seem a long way off to the students of St. Theresa’s Catholic High School in Midland but the feeder schools in our community are already preparing their Grade 8’s to be the next Grade 9’s.
On January 29th from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Grade 8 students visited St. Theresa’s to get a taste of what it will be like for them this coming fall. They got a tour of the school, and visited all of the great spaces they’d be learning in.
When students arrived for the morning they were sorted into groups to check out all of the electives St. Theresa’s has to offer. There are a wide variety of classes sure to interest everybody. In the drama class students learned all about the productions the school puts on annually and how to get involved. They also had the opportunity to go up on stage where all the action happens. In the music room students caught a glimpse of the instruments available to play. The drums are always a highlight. Hopeful artists saw how they could refine their skills in the visual arts class, where they admired the fantastic paintings of the talented high school students. In the gym students had some fun playing dodgeball, bowling games, etc.
During a lunch of fan favourite hot dogs, and famous ‘caf’ cookies, Grade 8’s mingled with students from other schools. In the foyer the hair and aesthetics crew offered up their talents by braiding, or styling hair. Teachers representing the unique Hockey Canada Skills Academy were available for questions in the upper level of the cafeteria.
Before the end of the day, the Grade 8’s took part in one of St. Theresa’s most significant school traditions, the House Riots. After being divided into their house colours, based on their last name, in the large gymnasium, students participated in a couple rounds of house competition. The points scored on Grade 8 Day go towards the final tally at the end of the year that determines who wins the 2020 House Cup! It was a close race between the Gold House Argonauts and the Blue House Barricudas. In the end there is only ever one winner, and this year’s Grade 8 Day champs were the Blue House Barricudas.
Grade 8 Day is a great opportunity for students like Luke A, who was hesitant about his elective choices, to hear from teachers about what to expect from each class. Luke A. was able to confirm his course selections when he saw the music room saying, “I didn’t realize music would be so much fun”! It is also a perfect opportunity for students to experience the positive vibe at St. Theresa’s Catholic High School for themselves, and to familiarize themselves with their future school.