May to October 2021: Revelation of thousands of unmarked student graves on the grounds of former Indian Residential Schools
April 26, 2021: Statement from the CCCB Executive on the Implementation of UNDRIP in Canadian Legislation
May 31, 2021: Statement from the President of the CCCB following the discoveries at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School.
June 10, 2021: The CCCB announces that a joint Indigenous and Catholic delegation will travel to Rome in December to meet with Pope Francis, and to discuss a possible papal visit to Canada to offer a formal apology on behalf of the Catholic Church, as requested in TRC Call to Action #58.
September 24, 2021: The Catholic bishops of Canada issue a formal apology to the Indigenous peoples of this land, for Catholic involvement in the residential school system. They “acknowledge the grave abuses that were committed by some members of our Catholic community; physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, cultural, and sexual” and they “sorrowfully acknowledge the historical and ongoing trauma and the legacy of suffering and challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples that continue to this day”.
September 27, 2021: The Catholic bishops of Canada commit themselves to a fund-raising campaign, aiming to raise $30 million to support healing initiatives and projects of Indigenous communities across Canada.