Across Canada, it is becoming a leading practice to acknowledge the traditional territory of Indigenous Peoples at the beginning of meetings, workshops, conferences, etc. The recognition of the Original People of this continent, often referred to as Turtle Island is viewed as an act of reconciliation. It’s highly encouraged that we all practice this sign of respect, to acknowledge the rich history of these lands and Indigenous Peoples throughout our institutes and in our practice.
Starting/Entry Point Script
The below "script" should be used as an entry point amid the growing response to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action across Turtle Island:
The Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board acknowledges that many Indigenous Nations have longstanding relationships, both historic and modern, with the territories upon which our school board and schools are located. We acknowledge our presence on the traditional territories of the Anishinabek Nation and the historic Métis communities in our region that precede the establishment of our school board.
Today, our school district is still the home of many First Nations, Métis and Inuit from across Turtle Island and around the world, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work together as part of a new relationship on this territory.
May we never forget their legacies, and may we learn well the lessons their descendants have to teach us about living on this Earth.
Recognition of a Local First Nation(s) or Métis Council (Historic and Modern)
Schools are also encouraged to acknowledge their local Indigenous communities. Example: Schools in the Georgian Triangle include acknowledgement of Beausoleil First Nation and the Georgian Bay Métis Council.
This territorial acknowledgement is based on input / feedback from our learning community and partners and wording developed by:
● York University / Learning for a Sustainable Future Summer Institute
● First Nations House / University of Toronto
● Council of Aboriginal Initiatives’ Elders Circle