We are called to be the light of the world.
We have the important job of doing God’s work on earth, of being a source of hope in the darkness, and of answering the call to meet the needs of others.
As you are aware, we are in a difficult and uncertain time and because of this, we have made the decision to postpone our Celebrating Staff program until we are properly able to recognize the great work of the nominated staff. All of the people that have been nominated will still be celebrated, but it will be at a later time than we expected.
Instead, we will focus our attention on the ways our extended SMCDSB family is reigniting hope in unique and amazing ways.
While we all cope with the challenges of physical distancing, we are committed to seeking out people in our community who have realized the power of “doing” and with their hearts and hands have shared their talents and their generosity with those who could use a little extra help.
We are reaching out to you once again, to nominate staff, and students or families who have gone the extra mile to provide great service to our community. When you hear of examples of this, use our Celebrating SMCDSB Google form to let us know so that we can recognize and share the good news.
We are looking for the light - and we need you to help it shine for all to see!