National Indigenous People's Day

National Indigenous People's Day
Posted on 06/19/2020

Sunday, June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day!  This year we are pleased to offer a National Indigenous Peoples Day “Virtual” Celebration with fun activities  for the whole family.  These activities can be enjoyed any time,  as we continue to learn about the rich heritage, culture, and contributions of First Nation, Métis and Inuit as part of our shared history - past and present! 


Today, we wish acknowledge June 21st as the launch of Celebrate Canada Week in the spirit of unity, solidarity and hope amidst challenges: 

  • National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21)

  • Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (June 24)

  • Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27) 

  • Canada Day (July 1)


Making a Difference is a prayer incorporated in the Valedictorian speech of one of our Grade 8 graduates, who consented to sharing their hope and prayer for all of us... 


Grant that your Spirit may give us the will and the courage to act to make a difference,

in order to make real your kingdom among us,

so that we may all live together in peace, truth, justice and love,

sharing the resources of the earth.

The Jesuit Institute - Prayers for Schools